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Miss Fife Is Wed To C.G. Johnson At Temple Rites

Miss Fife Is Wed To C.G. Johnson At Temple Rites

Jerome, Oct 23 - Ollie Jean Fife, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert D. Fife, became the bride of Charles Glade Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Johnson, Friday at the LDS temple in Logan, Utah. President Raymond performed the ceremony.

A reception honoring the couple was held Saturday at the Jerome LDS recreation hall. The Bride was gowned in white lace over satin, fashioned with a scalloped neckline long pointed sleeves and a hoop skirt. Her shoulder length veil of illusion was held by a cap trimmed with pastel sequins. She carried a bouquet of talisman roses centered with a white orchid. She wore matching rhinestone necklace and earrings.

Sharon Fife, sister of the bride was maid of honor and was attired in a bronze paper taffeta afternoon dress. She carried a basket bouquet of bronze pompon chrysanthemums tied with bronze tulle and brown satin ribbon.

Serving as best man was Howard Haslam.

Mrs. Fife, mother of the bride, chose a lilac two-piece crepe afternoon dress with black accessories and Mrs. Johnson wore a black and white afternoon dress with black accessories. Both wore corsages of shattered yellow carnations tied with green ribbons.

The brldes table was covered with an ecru lace cloth, made by the bride's mother, It was centered with an arrangement of yellow and bronze pompons encircled with a large silver wedding ring.

The four tiered wedding cake, topped with wedding bells, was decorated with white swans and yellow flowers with green leaves. Serving the cake and punch were Mrs. Gary Tomlinson, Pocatello, sister of the groom; Mrs. R. L. Robison and Mrs. William Stauffer.

Mrs. Emil Tvrdy, Buhl, sister of the bride, was in charge of the Guest book. The gift table was arranged by Derrel Robison. Mrs. Myrna Camp, Jerome; Barbara Jean Cole, Filer, and Glenda Cole, Preston. Also assisting were Mrs. Clair Fife and Mrs. Dean Fife and Odessa Cole, Preston.

Bishop Lew S. Pratt was master of ceremonies. The program included vocal solos by Mrs. Dale Munk, Maurine Andrus, Burley; and Billy Fife, nephew of the bride. All were accompanied by Mrs. Cecil Durrant. Mrs. A. Leo Olsen gave a reading. Dancing for the 250 guests followed with music by the Thorne orchestra.

For traveling, the bride chose a mauve silk print with gunmetal accessories and she wore the orchid from her bridal bouquet. The couple will live in Jerome, where the bridegroom is employed in the trucking business with his Father and the new Mrs. Johnson is employed by the Jerome Credit Bureau.

Following the wedding ceremony the couple was honored at a dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cole, Preston.

Showers were given by Mrs. Tom Lanum and by Mrs. R. L. Robison, Derrel Robison, Mrs. Lee Hendrickson and Mrs. Myrna Camp.


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