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Bingham Farm and Fort

The Bingham's Fort area was one of the earliest settlements in Weber County beginning in 1849. The fort was named for Erastus Bingham who was a settler and leader in the state and was active in ecclesiastical and community affairs of the region.

In 1851, Bingham established a farm that extended from 2nd to 7th Street. The fort was constructed in 1853 and included the northeast corner of the farm. The size of the fort was "60 rods by 120 rods"(an area of forty acres) that straddled what later became West 2nd Street, with most of the fort Iying to the north.

The Spanish type fort walls were 12 feet high and made with tamped earth and stone. Construction forms to contain the tamped earth and rock were made by weaving willows between log posts. The first and second irrigation ditches ran adjacent to the south and north fort walls to provide water for tamped dirt. Fort gates were located on the east and west end. The crosswalk to the north of this marker designates where the west fort wall would have crossed West 2nd Street.

Early pioneers and immigrants to the valley relied on Bingham's Fort and Bingham's Farm for protection, sustenance, community, and other needs. Cabins, stores, saw mill, schoolhouse, and Sam Gates Molasses Mill were located within the fort. In 1854 fort military commander and engineer Isaac Newton Goodale recorded 562 residents living in the fort, plus a number of friendly Shoshone Indians, led by Chief Little Soldier, who stayed there during the winter because of the scarcity of food.

By 1856 as the need for protection subsided, the residents left the fort and established surrounding homes and farms. By 1863 the Bingham Fort area expanded and took on the name of Lynne, from the naming of the new post office by assistant Ogden postmaster, Walter Thompson, who thought the area was similar to Lynne, Scotland. By 1872 the Bingham ditches were expanded into the Lynne Irrigation Company, and this irrigation system is still in use today. Ogden City annexed Lynne in 1890.

At the turn of the 20th century the adjacent Stone Farm incorporated the land of the Bingham Farrn. The resulting 200-acre farm flourished during the era known as the "golden age" of the family farm when agriculture was a mainstay of Weber County economics. Though smaller today, the old Bingham/Stone Farm has remained in continuous agriculture production since 1851. It represents both the agriculture traditions of the 19th century and the scientific farming practices developed in the early 20th century. The homes, outbuildings, and farmland at this location combine to convey a well-preserved view of this important but increasingly rare type of cultural resource.


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